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Bespoke Engineering

Due to our growing reputation we have all sorts of weird and wonderful projects arrive either on email or simply at our door. Covering every concievable aspect of engineering from public transport, agriculture and furniture to the extremes of TV and movie props. Each project is tailored to meet the requirements of each customer. It could be a high precision one off piece for a racing car or simply a centre piece for a roulette wheel.

We can work directly from customers drawings or CAD data in most formats. We produce CAD models in-house to aid machining which enables us to produce quick 3D models to show our clients for approval and get the project underway immediately. If required our designs can be subject to simulated workshop testing before leaving the premises.

Working with all standard engineering materials and new exotic counterparts we strive to maintain our reputation for making the impossible possible through our vast knowledge of the engineering industry.

For more information on Bespoke Engineering talk to EazyTec Precision Ltd

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