J & E Hall have recently completed a design, supply and install of a bespoke ammonia refrigeration plant and distribution system to replace an existing system that currently delivers refrigerating conditions to numerous areas.
The install has taken place on a site which is involved with temperature-controlled storage and distribution of multitude different products, predominantly freezer/low temperature storage.
The compressor packs are housed with HallScrew compressors, two HSO2028 and one HSO2024’s. All compressors feature the following:
- Utilise VSD capacity control
- Are economised
- Have their oil cooled via a plate and shell heat exchanger on each pack – with waste heat transferred to a pumped (run and standby) glycol circuit, rejected through coils in two off evaporative condensers
- Combine to satisfy a 1.2MW heat load, with ammonia at -27°C, required to match site’s peak demand.
These compressor packs form a key component of the replacement economised, pumped (3:1) low temperature ammonia refrigeration plant system being installed.
For more information on Compressor packs form a key component of ammonia refrigeration plant installation talk to J and E Hall Ltd