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Benefits of recycling IBC containers: A sustainable approach

As issues of climate change and environmental protection remain at the forefront of our minds, many companies are looking to take a more sustainable approach.

For businesses that often transport and store hundreds of litres of product, an environment-friendly option may be hard to find.

However, reconditionedIBCs, especially reconditioned 1000-litre IBCs may be the best long-term solution.

In this article, we’ll look at the many benefits of repurposed IBCs and the IBC recycling process.

Benefits of reusing and recycling IBC containers

There are plenty of benefits to IBC tote recycling, from both an environmental and a cost standpoint. 

One of the largest issues faced today is the increasing production of single-use plastics.

These plastics crowd landfills, because they are typically non-biodegradable.

However, IBC container recycling and reconditioned IBCs can combat this problem, as the containers are being used multiple times and undergo extensive cleaning and inspection to facilitate repeated use. 

Additionally, because you’re using reconditioned 1000-litre IBCs instead of buying new 1000-litre IBCs, you’re conserving energy by cleaning recycled totes, a process which demands less energy than manufacturing new ones.

Not only does IBC recycling save energy, it can also save money.

Reconditioned IBCstend to be cheaper than their new counterparts. Nevertheless, they’re in good condition and deliver the same results.

So, a business looking to ship and store large quantities of product can do so while keeping down costs and lowering their carbon footprint.

How to prepare IBC containers for repurposing

Once you’ve decided to use recycled IBCs, instead of buying new ones, these containers have to be prepped for repurposing.

A critical part of IBC container recycling is thoroughly cleaning the IBC container.

This process typically entails emptying the tote of any remaining contents from the previous product it carried, then applying a cleaning solution on its interior and exterior before scrubbing the interior with a long-handled brush.

Depending on the condition of the container and the previous product it carried, you may need additional cleaning products.

For example, if the IBC previously carried oil (or oily) products, it would be necessary to use a product that removes oil residue.

Likewise, if the tote held chemicals, especially acidic chemicals, you’d apply a solution that neutralises it.

At the end, the container undergoes high pressure washing, then is left to dry.

This extensive process will remove anything that could contaminate future products the reconditioned IBCwill carry.

How are IBCs disposed of properly?

Disposing of IBCs requires separating them by material and disposing of each material accordingly.

IBCs are primarily composed of plastic from the bottle and the pallet, as well as metal from the outer cage and possibly the valve at the container’s base.

The plastic components are shredded and cleaned with water and a chemical cleaning agent to remove any contaminants. Once they have dried, they’re melted, cooled and broken down into small pellets.

This process leaves the plastic in a uniform state where it can be moulded into something new and hence be reused.

Metal components are separated by metal type and undergo a similar process of being broken down, melted, then cast into new objects.

In some cases, the IBC may also contain other materials such as wood (from a wooden pallet as opposed to a plastic pallet).

This wood is harvested for fuel or plant mulch.

What is the process for reconditioning IBC containers?

Although the container has been extensively cleaned, the IBC tote recycling process is not finished.

Another critical step in IBC recycling is inspection for damage.

While IBCs, both new and reconditioned, are capable of withstanding plenty of conditions, they aren’t indestructible and can still experience wear and tear over time.

This can be in the form of broken lids and valves that need to be replaced, cracks in the bottle that cause leaks, and damage to the external cage that needs to be welded.

Once these repairs have been made, the final step in the IBC container recycling process is testing.

Reconditioned IBCs are tested to ensure that they meet safety regulations.

This can mean testing the container for potentially toxic residue, testing for leakage and other measures of performance.

IBC recycling is meant to deliver a product that still meets the rigorous demands of a new IBC.

Buying reconditioned IBC containers from ITP Packaging

Reconditioned IBCs are a more sustainable alternative for users looking to prioritise environmental consciousness while meeting the harsh demands of transporting and storing large quantities of goods.

For more information on reconditioned IBCsrebottling IBCs and other greener solutions, contact the professionals at ITP Packaging. 

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