About Us
Cornwall Environmental Consultants has a large and varied client list ranging from utility companies, such as South West Water and Transco, to Government organisations such as Natural England and the Environment Agency, local authorities, developers and individual landowners.
Cornwall Environmental Consultants is a member of the Association of Wildlife Trust Consultancies (AWTC) and an associate member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) through the AWTC. We are also a registered practice with the Landscape Institute.
Our consulting staff are qualified to postgraduate or postdoctoral level and are members of their respective professional bodies including the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM) and the Landscape Institute (LI).
Cornwall Environmental Consultants was set up by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, a registered charity. Being a charity, the Trust could only undertake limited trading, hence the consultancy was established to fulfil the growing demand for its advisory services.
All profits the consultancy raises are paid to the Cornwall Wildlife Trust to further its conservation work within Cornwall. Our commitment to support Cornwall Wildlife Trust and its aims is reflected in the approach to our work with emphasis on sustainability and biodiversity, which is illustrated throughout this web site. Cornwall Environmental Consultants works closely with clients to avoid impacts on the natural environment from the outset and advices on innovative solutions to reduce the ecological footprint of proposals.