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Casp’s New Job!

Casp’s New Job!


After searching high and low for the right dog for the job, Burns has recruited Tik Tok star, @TeamCasp47 as the Wooficial Burns News Anchor! Keen to find a pampered pooch who can be totally to-the-point and fussy with excellent taste, Team Burns knew that Casp would be the paw-fect candidate.


Burns thought very carefully about recruiting a canine as they’re not typically known for their professionalism. Although us humans love our pets dearly, nobody knows a pooch quite like a pooch. Having interviewed many canine candidates, Burns found the right match. Casper from TeamCasp47!


Each month, Casp’s duties will include touching base with Team Burns to get the latest scoop on Burns news, promotions, events and new products. The social media super star will share all the exciting news with the doggos of the world!


Known worldwide for being more naughty than nice, Team Burns will be keeping a close eye on Casp as he can be quite mischievous at times. The Wooficial Burns News Anchor’s job will be vital to the ongoing success of Burns Pet Nutrition. However, with Casp being Casp, we’re not sure everything will go to plan.

For more information on Casp’s New Job! talk to Burns Pet Nutrition

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