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How to Work With Customer Reviews?

Recent research from AYTM Market proves that 70% of people regularly check customer reviews before purchasing a product. Therefore, having a good online reputation is the key to increasing conversions. But how to work with customer reviews? How to make sure that they work for you? And how to handle dissatisfied customers? We know all the answers and will share them with you.

Why Do You Need to Monitor Reviews?

There are several reasons why you need to spend your time and effort monitoring online reviews. You should use to reply to app reviews just because you can communicate with your audience and make your company better. Here is how it works.

#1 - Learn About How Customers Perceive Your Product

By collecting and analyzing a pool of customer reviews, you can determine unique selling points as well as product specs that you can improve. Thus, you will be able to formulate the best selling proposition.

#2 - Define Improvement Points

Many customers not only talk about what they liked; they express their ideas and expectations. It can help you with interesting cross-marketing. Analyzing such feedback from users, you can map out your weak points and make your product better.

#3 - Neutralize Negative Feedback

According to stats, customers leave positive reviews about a product or service less often than neutral or negative feedback. This is due to the fact that people expect an ideal product or service that fully corresponds to their ideas. And if it doesn’t match their expectations, they react violently.


There are several types of negative reviews that you will most probably need to handle:

Subjective opinions - These usually include both positive and neutral statements about a product and do not express extreme dissatisfaction. It is important to promptly respond to such feedback and apologize for the inconvenience.

One-time angry mentions - Reviews of this type pose a moderate threat to the brand as they are emotional and are perceived as a “cry from the heart.” It is important to react quickly to such statements. You should calm the person down and turn the conversation into a constructive discussion.

A targeted attack on a brand - Usually, the seeding of negative reviews is carried out in such a way that should cause a viral reaction of the publications. Bad reviews are ranked much better than positive ones because people tend to focus on the negative. Therefore, the coordinated, timely, and competent work of specialists who monitor online reviews is so crucial.

#4 - Identify New Platforms for Promotion

By monitoring mentions on the Internet, you can identify new platforms with an active audience and people who you target. This is a good chance to offer your product or service to more people and expand your audience reach.

#5 - Influence Purchase Decisions

When buying a product on the Internet, people do not have the opportunity to interact with it, touch or twist it in their hands. Therefore, many users study customer reviews about the product before buying it. As a rule, reviews are trusted more than the description of the product on the site. That’s why it is essential that customer reviews work for and not against you.



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