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Gartner Alert for CIOs: Meet Your New Allies for the Digital Workplace: Real Estate and Facility Management
Today Trimble’s Real Estate & Workplace Solutions group has posted the latest important new research for our profession in a long time: “The Rebirth of Office Space: What Every CIO Needs to Know and Do.” The authors, Paul Miller and Carol Rozwell, are alerting CIOs that in their efforts to establish Digital Workplaces for their organizations, along with HR , they need to align with RE and FM, something that organizations like CoreNet and IFMA have been encouraging a collaboration for years. It acknowledges from an IT perspective, the importance of office space due to: •The need for more accurate reporting of the total cost of occupancy (TCO) due to new global guidelines for lease accounting just released in the past few months; •Align with the culture of the organization, serve as a talent magnet, and foster collaboration; •Be designed, managed and operated with tools in the war-chest of the Digital Workplace. In the increasingly blurry worlds of the intersection of the physical and digital worlds, the Digital Workplace includes all of the technologies needed for a knowledge worker to be able to have the best performance in the work they are required to produce for an organization. It is equal to the ease of use and mobile ubiquity of the way they use technology in their personal lives so it must be consumer-oriented to enable the best employee experience in the digital world. At the same time, this experience must be enhanced by the flexibility of the physical workplace which makes available multiple choices of space during a workday, both within or outside the office. The Gartner researchers now call the CIOs to finally realize the importance of understanding this blur between the physical and digital and align themselves with the creators, planners and managers of workspace, RE and FM. While already partnering with HR in the Digital Workplace, now RE and FM have an invitation to join the technologists and the human resource professionals in this new development for the Digital Business era. You can read the research paper here:

For more information on Gartner Alert for CIOs: Meet Your New Allies for the Digital Workplace: Real Estate and Facility Management talk to Trimble UK Ltd

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