About Us
Things I hear is all about inspiration through storytelling. We tell stories that not only to question some cultural practices but to raise awareness of taboo on social issues; stories to inspire social change; stories to entertain; stories for self-improvement and self-development; stories to debunk myths surrounding mental health; stories to explore possible ways forward. Our stories are told through the experiences of real people (creative non-fiction), or fictional characters with real issues to enhance self-awareness and development, and promote self-efficacy.
Things I hear strives to strengthen society’s decidedness and resolve, to make the much-needed change in the world. A story might strike a chord with someone and help strengthen his/her family, or teach patience and self-control – think of the story of why eagles snatch chicks instead of ducklings.This is the one-stop hub where someone might read a story and relate to it, be inspired to be the much-needed change in the world, engage and encourage dialogue and most importantly be entertained. Things I hear also catalogues, humourously, the trials and tribulations of life as Kenyans in Britain (KenBrits) and/or Afrobrits.