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Tap Donate: Simplifying Contactless Donations for Charities
Tap Donate empowers charities to accept donations easily and securely through a contactless giving platform. They offer a range of products and services designed to streamline the donation process and increase efficiency for charities, while also making it convenient and hygienic for donors.
  • Tap Donate Core: This is their most popular product, featuring user-friendly kiosks with interactive touchscreens. Donors can tap their card or phone to make a donation, while charity staff can track progress and manage donations through a dedicated online portal.
  • Tap Donate Edge: This is a more portable option, combining a card machine and tablet for accepting contactless donations. Ideal for situations where a kiosk might not be practical.
  • Contactless Donation Processing: Tap Donate handles all the secure processing of contactless payments, eliminating the need for cash handling by charity staff.
  • Donation Tracking & Reporting: The online portal allows charities to track donations in real-time, view reports, and gain insights into their fundraising efforts.
  • Software Customization: Charities can customize the look and feel of the donation kiosks to match their branding.
Benefits for Charities:
  • Increased efficiency: Reduced admin burden with contactless payments and online tracking.
  • Improved hygiene: Eliminates the need for cash handling.
  • Increased donations: Studies suggest donors may be more generous with contactless giving.
  • Secure transactions: Tap Donate uses secure payment processing systems.
  • Easy to use: User-friendly kiosks and online portal.
Overall, Tap Donate offers a comprehensive solution for charities looking to modernize their donation process and make it easier for supporters to contribute.

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Tap Donate
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