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Four Ways to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks

As a business owner, you will want to do everything and anything in your power to protect this fantastic thing that you have created. Whether your business is big or small, old or new, the feelings never change. It has undoubtedly been a difficult time for business owners of recent, and with a fresh bout of lockdowns and stay-at-home orders upon us, it appears that the light at the end of the tunnel is not yet here. As a result, you may have found yourself asking the question: What can I do to protect my business from potential threats? Dinnae worry business owner, for we are here to help! Below is a helpful list of ways you can try when wanting to protect your small business from threats like cyber-attacks and what you can do to prevent the risk in the future. Read on for more!


Up-to-Date Software and Equipment

With more people than ever working from home and working online, you will want to make sure that your business and its data are protected as best as possible from prying eyes. It can be hard to know what best to do to make this happen and make sure that there are no accessible gaps in your data security. However, ensuring that the equipment you and your employees are using is up to date is an excellent and effective way of maintaining that your business' data is protected.

By using up-to-date equipment – or at least, equipment that can still receive regular system updates – you are minimising the risk of a security breach. Not to mention, having your employees use old equipment is sure to slow down your business processes and the productivity that comes with it! Most systems updates are created to continually solidify and protect an operating system's security and the device itself. If you are using an older piece of equipment, you are not guaranteed to have the same sort of protection that the newer counterparts possess. Specifically, specific software updates help prevent any malware from forming or entering your device system. Indeed, this is something to consider when wanting to invest in your business to protect it both in the present and future.


Sufficient Data Protection Training

It goes without saying, but by having sufficient training for all employees and staff at your business, you are further reducing the risk of a data breach, both internally and externally. While it is crucial to possess the appropriate software's, having adequate training in tandem with that is sure to minimise the risk of a security breach even further. It is far more efficient to put all your employees through some sort of cyber security training than merely relying on a handful of employees to deal with any potential issues. By ensuring that all your employees understand and recognise signs of a data breach, you can rest assured that they will know precisely how best to deal with it without needing to use precious time contacting the appropriate departments.

There are several businesses within Scotland and beyond that provide excellent training levels for companies of all sizes. Texaport is an example of one such business that tailors the cyber security training programme to suit your business's needs and size. If you are interested in finding out more about what you can do to increase cyber security for your business, head to their website for further information.


Backing Up and Supporting Your Data

Another seemingly obvious point, but one that can often be forgotten about in the busy world of business ownership. Ensuring that any delicate data is backed up is vitally important, and not just when preventing a data breach. The last thing you want is for files to become corrupt due to one reason or another, and not having any backup files! By ensuring that you have online and offline copies of your data, you are confirming you can access essential details when required. Not to mention, keeping crucial documents in a physical filing cabinet will massively reduce the risk of a data breach from an external online source. This is certainly worth considering when creating a data protection and cyber security plan for your business or preventing any violations in the future.

What's more, there is always the option to do things a bit more traditionally, but without using a physical filing cabinet. By transferring sensitive files to an external storage device – such as a memory stick or external hard-drive – you are further ensuring the safety of these files. Keeping such a device in a safe location is also sure to make certain that your business and its data are as protected as they can be.


Using Passwords and Codes to Protect Your Data

One other way of ensuring that your business' data is protected is by encrypting the files online with passwords and codes. Only those who know the passwords will be able to access the files, and this is an excellent way of ensuring that no phishers can access sensitive information. While computer software is available to encrypt files like this, the process is much more straightforward than most people realise; most devices can encrypt sensitive data files without the need for any alternative software. Ensuring that sensitive information regarding your business is encrypted will further protect you from a cyber-attack.

You can try many things as a business owner to protect your business from phishing and cyber-attacks; this is simply the tip of the iceberg. By testing the different methods, you are sure to find something which works well for the needs of yourself and your business. It must be remembered that this is not a one size fits all, just like every single company out there. Companies of different industries and sizes will require other methods of protecting their data. What might work for a competitor might not work for you, so it is best to explore the options that you have available and go forth knowing that your business' data is protected.

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