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Comprehensive about mass SMS service

The bulk sms service is a quick and convenient way to deliver useful information about a business to all interested audiences at once. Bulk sms service is one of the effective marketing tools applicable for any type of business.

A competently composed brief text, the use of reliable services allows you to inform potential customers, as well as new customers in an original form of special offers, promotions, new services or receipt of new goods, change of address, expanding the range and so on.

Such service as SMS Profile is also available within Bulk SMS. Its main advantage is the possibility of targeting. This means that advertising will be available only to those clients for whom it is relevant and can interest them.

Advantages of this service

1. Mailings can be scheduled in advance for a certain time and date and performed on behalf of the company.

2. Thanks to SMS distribution, you can send a message to a large number of customers in a few minutes. This saves money on payments to personnel who distribute advertising booklets.

3. Convenience. SMS mailing can be set up so that it requires minimal human intervention. You will only need to press a couple of buttons to perform a mailing to the customer base, which is very convenient for companies that have a large customer base.

4. Promptness. Thanks to the high speed of sending SMS messages customers will be notified of all important events in a timely manner and in the shortest possible time. Notifying clients by phone takes a lot of time, and the company loses valuable time, and clients receive the necessary information too late.

5. Trust of clients. Not all people pay attention and respond to calls from unknown numbers. The sms-dispatch service saves from such a problem, because it is performed on behalf of the company. In this case, all customers are aware that the messages come from a specific company, not from fraudsters.

6. Availability of information for all categories of clients. Strange as it may seem, but even in these times of technological development not everyone has access to mobile Internet. Therefore, Internet mailing will not notify everyone. And since the function of receiving SMS messages is in every cellular device, the important information will be delivered to absolutely every client.

7. It's easy to set up and use sms-messages. Even beginners, just starting their business, will be able to take advantage of this functionality, and no problems with the setting up will not arise.

Of course, the sms-mailing service is not free. But this method of notification is the most effective, convenient and the most affordable method that allows you to notify all customers without exception.

What does it represent?

Bulk SMS is a short text messaging service. It is used to send to many thousands of recipients from a base, and is fast and effective. Mass texting is done to clients who are on the contact list of companies, promoters.

SMS is a service provider with the ability to quickly send text messages to mobile, wireless devices. Such messages consist of a small number of characters, usually little more than 100 characters. Although they are called a text message, such a mailing very often also contains:


audio files;

video files.

The term SMS has become synonymous with text messaging. Although it technically refers to a service, it often refers to a message. This is why bulk SMS messages are messages sent, not necessarily a service or fulfillment process.

Areas of application

SMS for business is used in different areas.
1. The gambling industry. SMS mailing is an excellent opportunity to increase the profits of online casinos, bookmaker's offices. Through SMS, for example, it can be set up to send thank-you letters to users.

2. IT sphere. Services can be used to authenticate clients by 2 factors (for example, to notify about changes in tariff plans, innovations on the resource).

3. Electronic commerce. Notification of potential and new customers about goods and services by means of sms.

4. Commercial organizations, regardless of their line of business.

The basic idea of sending bulk SMS

It consists of allowing users who are interested in music concerts, local events, movie theater announcements, club openings, the start of sales in major retail chains, and other types of events to register and enter the messaging database.

These lists are subsequently compiled by the company or promoters, grouping together a base of thousands of mobile numbers to be used in Bulk SMS. After paying for another service, the company can quickly and easily perform the input of these lists of phone numbers into the already existing and stored lists of users, for the convenience of their use at a later date.

The bulk sms messaging service is then used to select the desired list, enter a short message to be sent, specifying the phone number to which the message will be sent. In most companies, this type of service is part of the cost of an advertising campaign. It is an effective alternative to sending individual messages manually or dialing.

After sending a message to the recipients on the list about 98% of people will open it. Users, after reading it, act on the offer, or they can ignore it. The user will receive the SMS message, being in any country, at any time. But it should be known that the delivery has limitations, based on the cellular network coverage.

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