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4 Steps to Help Your Business Stand Out From the Crowd

Ensuring that your business gets noticed by potential customers is one of the most important aspects of running a successful company; because how can you hope to survive, let alone thrive, without attracting more business?
However, in today’s increasingly competitive market, standing out from the crowd has never been more difficult, with companies using every trick in the marketing book to appeal to the masses and sell more products.
So, what can you do to ensure that your business offers just that little bit extra?

1.Know your team

A business is only as good as the team that holds it together, and if your team of employees feel unmotivated, uninvested and generally uninterested in your business, then how can you expect your customers to feel any different?
Making sure that your employees’ needs are taken care of is a vital step in ensuring that your business stands out from the crowd, as inspired staff are far more likely to convincingly promote your business and sell your products than those that are disillusioned with their job.
Inpulse are an employee engagement specialist company that can help you truly understand your employees and, in turn, increase their performance and enhance their motivation.

2.Embrace technology

If you are not utilising the latest and most innovative technologies to your advantage as a business, you are definitely missing a trick. From increased productivity to enhanced customer interaction to analysing large amounts of data; new and emerging technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality and big data can all help your business to run more efficiently and more productively.
Do you really want your competitors to be able to target potential customers that will almost definitely make a purchase, whilst you are only able to target a specific demographic that may or may not spend any money with you?

3.Go green

This may not sound like a particularly powerful way of attracting customers, but you may be surprised at the number of consumers who now prefer to shop with retailers who have strong and apparent green credentials, instead of those who appear not to care about the environment; with 73% of millennials willing to spend more money on sustainable products.
From deciding to only use recycled packaging to being more energy efficient, to maybe even creating new products that are vegan and animal-cruelty free; showing your customers that you care about the world they live in can dramatically help improve the image of your brand and ensure you stand out from the crowd.

4.Provide consistent content

If you want customers to interact and remain loyal to your brand, you need to regularly engage with them to keep them interested and invested in your business. The best way to do this is through consistent, relevant and high-quality content.
Written content is always beneficial with guests blogs still proving highly popular, but the spotlight in 2020 is definitely on video content; and more specifically live video content.
On average, people watch live video content for three times longer than pre-recorded content, and this is especially true for content that is personalised and relevant to the consumer.
For example, live streaming your customers trying out a product or getting involved in a challenge is extremely popular, and increases consumer engagement exponentially.

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