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Providers Of CPU Component Pick Up Unit In London
Providers Of CPU Component Pick Up Unit In London

Manufactured by us, the CPU gently picks up components in bulk from the warehouse and conveys them to your production or packaging area. The CPU integrates with a blower and the CVL which delivers your components in batches.

The system can be configured with specifically developed stainless steel or polyurethane pipes, depending on your specific production issues. We can deliver pipe extensions up to 100 meters. This CPU can pick up a wide range of plastic components. Our expert engineers here at Kongskilde Industries thoroughly test your components in our Technology Centre to guarantee to convey without damage to your components or clogging issues.

For more information on Providers Of CPU Component Pick Up Unit In London, call us on 01263 808580 or email us at and one of our friendly team will be happy to explain more about the pneumatic conveying and material handling solutions for the paper, packaging, recycling, and plastic industries that we can offer you and your business.

For more information on Providers Of CPU Component Pick Up Unit In London talk to Kongskilde Industries UK Ltd

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