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Customised Material Feeders For The Paper Industry
Customised Material Feeders For The Paper Industry

Our experts have designed the Kongskilde feeders to ensure minimal air losses when introducing products into a pressurized conveying. The feeders are commonly used in systems handling granulates, (granules, pellets, flakes, and small moulded products.

Do not hesitate to get in contact with us to find what we can offer you and for product availability.

For more information on Customised Material Feeders For The Paper Industry, call us on 01263 808580 or email us at and one of our friendly team will be happy to explain more about the pneumatic conveying and material handling solutions for the paper, packaging, recycling, and plastic industries that we can offer you and your business.

For more information on Customised Material Feeders For The Paper Industry talk to Kongskilde Industries UK Ltd

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