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How Mobile Apps Benefit Your Business?

By the end of 2020, the estimated number of smartphone users rose to 3.5 billion people. With the increase in mobile usage, the expectations of more mobile apps were also on the high. Most businesses acted fast and took advantage of this demand by introducing their apps in the market, which made their business grow and provided customer loyalty by reducing unnecessary complexity. Developing an app is a serious and technical business, and most people find themselves in a fix. Still, now companies like Stormotion have appeared in the scene, which takes this responsibility off your hands. It is a fact that business benefits by creating their websites and apps, but what are these advantages? Let’s take a deep dive into some of them!
1. Provide More Value:
There have been stark changes in the business landscape during the past decade. Owners depend heavily on mobile app technology for transactions. Modern technology has also changed how consumers satisfy their needs. Mobile apps make sure that your services are easy to reach for everyone. The consumer today values convenience above all else. Being able to choose a product, order it, track the delivery and get it at your doorstep has greatly changed the service trends. You can also make the experience better for your customers by adding complaint management, FAQS, and customer support options on your apps. 
2. A Stronger Brand:
A business that does not have an online appearance is considered irrelevant today. Similarly, having an app further increases the brand name and credibility. Marketing and branding are pillars of a successful business. You might provide quality products and services, but your business will not reach its maximum potential if you do not brand them according to the present era with modern technology. 
3. Connection With Customer:
Fast and easy communication between a customer and service provider leaves a long-lasting positive impression on the consumer. Unlike other channels of communication, mobile apps are easy and reliable. If customers are logged in to the apps, they will not lose track of their support requests and will have a more personalized experience. 
4. Customer Loyalty:
The easier you make it for the customer to avail your services, the more they will return. The world is fast, and Millenials do not have time for complexities. You can also add loyalty programs to your app but make them simple! These programs should offer the following:
• Offer rewards by using a point system on the amount of money spent on the app. 
• Provide personalized recommendations to the people.
• Encourage sharing apps with other people through rewards. 
Customer loyalty does not always play a role in revenue generation, but it is also a good marketing technique. 
5. Competitive Edge:
With technology pouring in every day, it is difficult to keep up with the competition. Creating mobile apps helps you with it by tracking the changing interests and behaviors of the consumer. As a result, you become better able to cope with changing landscapes. Thus, mobile apps help you in staying in the race!
6. Higher Engagement Level:
You need to make sure that people engage with your product or services to increase revenue. The more traffic there is on your products or service, there will be more revenue, return on investment, and other logistics. Certain features can be added to the apps to boost engagement levels:
• Segmented targeting by controlling the type of content shown to every user.
• Loyalty programs
• Discount
• Feature upgrades
• Paying attention to the basic features
7. Personalized Marketing Channel:
The marketing department of your business will benefit a lot from mobile apps. One of the perks is the direct access to user information which helps in providing a customized experience to consumer and increase revenue generation. Another benefit is pushing notifications of every new detail to pique the consumer interest. Email takes consumers some time to respond, but notifications decrease that response time and deliver the desired result.
8. Social Media Channels:
Social media is the best way to drive consumers to your mobile app. You should link your social media accounts with a good social media campaign. You should run campaigns on Facebook, youtube, and Instagram. When you get the needed downloads, encourage the users to signup with their social media accounts. As a result, social media sharing will become frictionless in the future. Also, add social media buttons and shareable CTAs to your app. Social media is the best way to boost the traffic to your services!
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