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Signify ditched the suits and now we’re donating them
Suits have become an ongoing discussion in the workplace; to stick with them or change? Are they outdated and uncomfortable, or smart and presentable? Everyone has their own opinions. Here at Signify, we find suits are too stuffy and not really applicable with our brand. Personally, we don’t think suits really suit us, and a tie would have no effect on the hard work we do. Most of us wore suits in our previous employment, and even here until a few months ago, when we decided to ditch the suits and change our company dress code. We've been notably busy since then, what with recruiting scala superstars across 16 countries, and internally employing 6 fresh faces, we've only just had a chance to update our company photos to reflect who we really are. All the while, our suits have been out of use until now when we came across an amazing campaign that we wanted to share with you. Suited & Booted has really made a good impression with us and they need suits to help vulnerable, unemployed and low-income men suitably dress for interviews. Suited & Booted are always in need of suits, shirts, ties, cufflinks, belts and shoes. We’ve decide to give a hand by clearing out our wardrobes and donating to this worthy cause. If you no longer wear suits, or maybe you have ones that don’t fit or just collect dust in your wardrobe, then donate them NOW! Your suit could be the start to helping a vulnerable person get their first/next job. What could motivate you more than that very thought?

For more information on Signify ditched the suits and now we’re donating them talk to Signify Technology

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