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TechCorr USA, LLC purchased the T-Type acoustic sludge profiler system this year from Oceanscan being the only company in North America with this technology. The original background of TechCorr is inspection and engineering, but in the course of the company we have purchased the INTANK robotic system and began an out of service tank cleaning program. With both of these services, it is well known that the cost of a project is mainly driven by the amount of sludge that has accumulated in the bottom of the tank since the last cleaning process.
The technology that has been used in the US over a number of years is a thermography camera which shoots an image from the shell wall of the tank and produces a sludge level based off of heat differentials. The problem with this technology is that it will only give a reading at the shell wall and not the entire interior of the tank. With the addition of our two tank services, we instantly saw the value of accurate sludge measurements in order to provide our clients with an accurate proposal and to help our clients properly budget their projects.
TechCorr performed the first project with the profiler a couple of weeks ago in the Houston area for one of our large clients. Oceanscan sent two of their employees to be a part of this project to insure total satisfaction to us and to our client. The tank was a 150 foot diameter tank with an external floating roof, which contained RPG (raw pyrolisis gasoline). Due to the flashpoint of the product, this tank was under strict safety guidelines and was a high profile project. Oceanscan and TechCorr personnel spent two days at our office putting together the project strategy and testing the system prior to mobilizing to prevent a glitch from occurring. The project was performed with great excellence and the information that we were able to provide to our client was invaluable. Due to our findings, the plant realized that they were underestimating the volume of sludge in the tank and would not have budgeted correctly for the cleaning cost for this project. They were extremely satisfied and will utilize this process again with this client. This process will become one of the best tools for budgeting purposes and maintenance planning that exists in North America.
Bruce Warner
Industrial Services Manager
TechCorr USA, LLC
For more information on T-TYPE THE MOST ADVANCED ACOUSTIC TANK INSPECTION SYSTEM talk to Oceanscan Ltd
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