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How to create disruptive corporate events


Last Modified: October 5, 2023 | Posted by: toast

People have been talking about disruptive marketing for years, as intense competition has forced brands to shake things up and seek new ways to boost sales. But just what is it, and how can it give your events a boost?

Put simply, disruptive marketing literally disrupts your attention by doing something different. Something that changes the rules forever.

“Disruption is all about risk-taking, trusting your intuition, and rejecting the way things are supposed to be. Disruption goes way beyond advertising, it forces you to think about where you want your brand to go and how to get there.” Richard Branson

One example of a brand that does disruptive marketing phenomenally well is Red Bull. Rather than just promoting its drinks, the Red Bull website is a destination venue for extreme sport and adrenaline-junkies, with a plethora of content that speaks directly to its target audience. And it doesn’t stop there. Red Bull has also created its own documentaries, owns a record label, and sponsors contests. If that wasn’t enough, in 2012 it even sent Felix Baumgartner spiralling to Earth in a record-breaking freefall skydive from space. It’s certainly different (and more interesting!) than taking out a few TV and print ads!


However, being disruptive is hard to do. It takes creativity that goes above and beyond traditional ways of thinking. So, it’s no wonder that when it comes to events, many companies have failed to adopt this approach.


But, with more and more event planners looking for new ways to stand out and engage attendees, we can be sure that the power of disruption won’t go unnoticed for much longer.

So, how can you use disruption at your events?


Understand your audience


Insight into your target market is key. How can you reach out to attendees in new and absorbing ways if you don’t know who they are and what will appeal to them?

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