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About Us

I specialise in creating affordable and effective websites for small local businesses in Rugby, Warwickshire. In today's digital age, your online presence is crucial as customers frequently turn to the internet to find services and products.


I offer comprehensive services including web design, SEO, logo design, and social media setup, all tailored to meet the unique needs of small businesses. My goal is to ensure your website is the first place potential customers visit when searching for your services.


Traditional web design agencies can be expensive and slow, often neglecting smaller clients, while local freelance designers may lack the necessary experience and full range of services. I bridge this gap by providing a one-stop, local solution that is friendly, affordable, and professional.



  • Web Design: Create a simple, well-optimised website that effectively tells your story and attracts new customers.
  • Local Search SEO: Improve your online visibility so potential clients can find your business easily.
  • Logo Design: Develop a professional and memorable brand identity that distinguishes you from competitors.
  • Social Media Setup: Set up and optimise your social media profiles to attract and engage with new customers.


If you're in search of a cost-effective and experienced web designer in Rugby, Warwickshire, contact me today. Let me help you grow your online presence and, consequently, your business.


For more information, visit my website or reach out to me directly.

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