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DEFRA Interested in Views on Water Abstraction – Rainwater Tanks Could Ease Problem
Defra this week called out for the broader opinion of water extractors. It states that; many abstractors may not realise the inter-linkages in a catchment between water availability and their abstraction, and in particular, that they may be dependent on discharges made by water companies upstream, particularly at low flows. Therefore, Defra is interested to learn their views on how much these abstractors should be aware in the future about this, and how much they should manage any risks associated in changing discharges affecting them. According to the Water Abstractors Group, thirty per cent of the water catchments in the UK are over abstracted and they state that the Environment Agency predicts that the demand for water could increase by some 25 per cent by 2020. Increasing efficiency of this resource is going to be fundamental to a secure and sustainable food supply system and one such way that farmers can gain more control over their water supplies will be through rainwater harvesting techniques. Enduramaxx produces a wide range of water tanks for farming applications and to collect rainwater run-off from large roof areas, our range of rainwater tanks store water safely and securely for when additional water is required. To find out more, please get in touch!

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